Celebrating our History, Building our Future

Prior to our incorporation on January 1, 2001, Peterborough Housing Corporation’s (PHC) properties were managed by the Ontario Housing Corporation. The Province of Ontario decided to devolve the business and associated costs of social housing to the municipalities. After reviewing a wide variety of models, it was decided that the creation of a stand-alone Local Housing Corporation was the most effective way to move forward. Under this model, PHC has the flexibility to expand and develop our housing portfolio and initiate community partnerships to provide services for residents. Through this model, PHC has flourished and been recognized as a leader in the housing industry.

About PHCAs we look to the future, PHC recognizes that stable housing is a critical factor in ensuring long-term health and vitality of our community. Partnerships, core services, and tenant empowerment are key objectives in PHC’s Strategic Plan setting the goals and objectives that will continue to support our history of innovation and achievement.

Our Work

PHC is the largest single provider of community housing in the City and County of Peterborough. We provide rent-geared-to-income and affordable housing for seniors, single adults, and families. This means that PHC provides homes to well over 4000 residents in our community. Our housing is a mix of high-rise apartments, townhomes, walk-up apartments, semi-detached homes, and quad-plexes.

Saunders Court Backview

As part of our core business, we provide building maintenance and preventative maintenance services to sustain the quality of our housing. PHC also employs resident services staff to oversee tenant relations and community well-being matters. Peterborough Housing Corporation provides social work and case management services to support improved quality of life for our tenants and improved social conditions within our communities.

We remain committed to creating communities where residents are proud to call home. Community partnerships and community development activities support PHC residents to access programming and support to improve the quality of community life.

Our Structure

PHC operates as a stand-alone corporation managed by a Board of Directors and functions in compliance with the Ontario Business Corporations Act. The City of Peterborough, in its role as Service Manager for the City and County of Peterborough, became the “sole shareholder” of Peterborough Housing Corporation at the time of its incorporation. This sole shareholder model means PHC is created and bound by provincial housing legislation (Housing Services Act and Residential Tenancies Act) but is further obligated to meet the delivery and performance standards of our shareholders.